Community Mapping Locations

About This Map

Residents of Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea (GES) shared locations that help describe what it is like to live in GES. The map below represents the points residents marked in response to questions about areas of community pride, gathering, and concern, as well as where they go to buy groceries and access health care.

About Each Category

Contribute to This Map!

Help us grow this map of areas of strength and concern in GES by completing this online 10 minute mapping activity! Anyone who lives in GES and is at least 18 years old is able to participate. Please share!

This activity is part of the GES Community Health Study led by Dr. Magzamen at Colorado State University. There are no known benefits or risks to you as a participant. If you have questions, email

Link to activity: 


Take some time to click through each of the different layers individually, then look at different combinations of layers.

Keep scrolling to see what we noticed.

Community-Labeled Points of Interest in GES

Source: Primary data solicited by CC and community members. Updated 2/15/23.

Having this map created by the community helps communicate to researchers and people who don't live in GES what it is like to live in the neighborhoods. 

Often overlooked when talking about GES are all the places of community pride, gathering and strength. From local restaurants, to churches, parks, and schools, GES residents identified many locations in their neighborhoods that stand out as positive. This demonstrates the resilience, strength, and culture that make GES unique.

Static map showing locations marked as locations of pride in GES.

Places of community pride in GES.

At the same time, there are many places of concern. Some are well known, including Suncor, highways, and Nestle Purina, while others are less obvious, such as specific roads lacking street lights, and dangerous intersections.

It is also critical to note the overlap of areas of pride, activities, and gathering with areas of concern. Particularly at parks, where residents have different knowledge and perceptions of the safety. Concerns at parks include air quality, soil contamination, drug use, and crime.

Static map showing areas of concern and areas of activities with kids/families/friends in G.E.S.

Areas of concern (purple) overlap with points of activities with kids and family (black).

The map also helps document how residents access goods and services. 

Most of the locations where residents go to buy groceries are outside of GES.

Likewise, residents travel all over the Denver metro area to seek medical care. While there is a non-profit clinic in GES, most residents still travel outside GES to get care.

Static map of where GES residents go for groceries and to seek medical care.

Where residents go for groceries (orange) and for medical care (yellow).